"If birth is the gateway to the ephemeral life, then death is the gate to eternal life."
Where is wisdom located?
"Repetition is the mother of pedagogy". Prager
“Watch your thoughts, they become your words; watch your words, they become your actions; watch your actions, they become your habits; watch your habits, they become your character; watch your character, it becomes your destiny”. Lao Tzu
"Now in the World to Come, all man's deeds and actions are made to pass before him as if he were viewing a film of his life. Happy is he who has produced a satisfying film. Happy is he whose pictures are beautiful, his face shines with joy." (Shabbos desecration. - N.A.)
"Just as the life of the embryo merely constitutes the transition to a broader and more exciting life, - so, to an even greater extent, is life on Earth merely the prelude to a more fascinating, glorious life, which man, confined within his puny body and with limited perception, is incapable of conceiving."
Human existence - as man passes through this world from birth to death - is either all or nothing. Either life constitutes a passage to nothing, without any substance at all, or else it endures for eternity - retaining all its original good and happiness. Either one's days are a bridge to death or a bridge to life.
For the person, however, to whom life is a transition to an enduring future, it constitutes the corridor leading to the palace, the "inn" in which he prepares himself for his appearance in the palace. Hence this life has great meaning for him, and similarly his sufferings. For if death is a cessation, then life has no goal; but if life does possess a goal, then death is no cessation.
For the first type of individual, then, life has no real substance, while for the seocnd, death has none. This is what the Rabbis of the Talmud asserted: "The wicked, while still alive, are considered dead; the righteous, even when dead, are considered to be alive." (Berochos 18a) The second lives for his soul, which endures, and so his life has no end". Gaon
We should care about how ones views affect ones values and ones behaviors...
It's not ones theology but ones values that should concern us...
‘A good deed brings along another good deed; a bad deed drags behind it another bad deed’.
If you do not discuss the great issues of life...life can be confusing and empty.
Who you choose as your spouse is one of the biggest decisions in your life to affect your happiness...choose well
Strive for influence not power.
Compartmentalize your issues.
Take nothing for granted. Have goals not expectations. The ungrateful cannot be happy. See life as a gift.
“If pain was water the world would drown”. Prager
Exodus 33:19 God shares with us His essence: Goodness. Goodness is an act not an emotion. In order to be good a person must do good. Is something good because God says it is good or does God say it is good because it is good. Is murder wrong because God says murder is wrong or is murder wrong because it is wrong.
New Year
Depth: Reflect on the meaning of your life. Count your hours - not your calories: What did you do with your hours. Keep a diary of your hours. If you were followed by a camera all day long what would you watch yourself doing? Ask yourself do you want to be a better person in the new year; do you want to grow?
Everything added with joy is more affective...
There is a price paid for the blessing of having a loved one, losing a loved one...
"The higher goal of spiritual living is not to amass a wealth of information, but to face sacred moments...What is retained in the soul is the moment of insight rather than the place where the act came to pass...We must not forget that it is not a thing that lends significance to a moment; it is the moment that lends significance to things." Abraham Joshua Heschel